Smart Factory

Advanced Guide to Calculating Takt Time

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Did you know that Takt Time is one of the fundamental metrics in modern manufacturing?

Although its calculation is very simple, today, 6 out of 10 companies have more challenges in obtaining and precision of the data necessary to calculate it correctly, what is its use or formula, understand why and how to do it faster and more efficiently in this blog.

What Is Takt Time in Manufacturing?

Takt time is the rate at which a product must be completed to meet customer demand. It considered rhythm, and in the field of production and manufacturing it is applied to represent the maximum time allowed to produce a unit of a product to satisfy customer demand.

Origin of the Term Takt Time

As a linguistic term, takt time is the union of two words, takt of German origin and means speed, rhythm or beat and by joining it to time we understand that we are referring to the rhythm or beat of time, however when we refer to the concept takt time We refer to the rhythm that a production process must follow to satisfy the customer’s demand, that is, to produce at the customer’s pace or by the customer’s demand.

Takt Time Across Different Manufacturing Aspects

Before delving into how to calculate takt time and how it can affect your production, we must understand the concept of takt time and explain its importance to optimize production efficiency.
Takt time as an engineering and manufacturing term

Takt Time as an Engineering and Manufacturing Term

In general, it may be a term that you use without realizing it and that is always present, however you have not noticed it, the Takt time is the maximum available time that it takes for your company and process to produce a unit that can satisfy the demand of the customer.
Some sectors call it the continuous manufacturing pace, which refers to the production flow that we must maintain to respond to customer demands.

Takt Time as an Efficiency Improvement Strategy

Takt time, its control and reduction are not only terms of use in manufacturing, based on them, solid and robust improvement methodologies have been developed, making it a highly effective production strategy in production scenarios where limited production time is available. and at the same time, it is related to constant customer demands.
Takt time as an efficiency improvement strategy
Takt time as a Finance impact condition

Takt Time as a Finance Impact Condition

Takt Time is a key metric in any manufacturing process, but if we see this metric from a financial perspective we can understand the impact it has on levels outside the process as such, so it is understandable that depending on its management its impact can be significant both in a beneficial way, if it is optimized correctly, or generating an undesirable impact (when it is uncontrolled or not being considered), therefore you need to understand how it works, how to control it, reduce it and thus obtain improvement advantages that may be being overlooked.

The Benefits of Takt Time in Production Management

Takt Time, is a silent player in your production, and has a crucial role in managing the production flow and the resources you have, well used it can help the processes of any company to be successful by allowing an orchestration of your manufacturing process. with customer demand. Some of the benefits of takt time in effective production management are:

Soft Benefits

Hard Benefits

Maintains Constant Production: Takt Time establishes that it is better to have a constant rhythm at an accelerated pace, this guarantees that the process is fluid and rhythmic, that is, that it flows smoothly from one station to the next, without rushing but without pauses. Production With Demand Aligned: Through its correct application it guarantees that your production coincides exactly with the times that customers need, avoiding changes in the process (such as delays, waits, waste or shortages).
Balanced Resources: By achieving a clear rhythm, takt time allows work to be distributed uniformly and equitably, each part enters as an instrument at the appropriate and scheduled time, thus the operation between workers and machines remains in balance, avoiding overloading any part of the process with total orchestration. Reduces Waste: As takt time minimizes excess inventories, it achieves a secondary effect on the use of resources, since it manages to adapt production to demand, therefore you will have only what is necessary, at the right time and on the way to having a process the closest or be of the just in time type.
Process Flexibility: Takt time is aligned with a culture of continuous improvement (Kaizen) as it encourages and supports the ability to quickly adjust to changes in demand and to quickly identify areas, this supports the adaptability and resilience of the company. Identified Inefficiencies: As if that were not enough, it reveals precisely where problems could be occurring, such as delays, waits or bottlenecks, allowing you to see previously hidden areas of improvement, where you can make adjustments to improve the process, focusing your efforts where need it.
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Takt Time Calculation and Formula

The Takt Time can be calculated very easily, this is achieved by dividing the time available to produce by the customer demand (the number of units needed). The result of this simple operation is the time it will take to produce each unit and maintain the necessary pace to meet demand, which would be the process margin that can be maintained, and which could be adjusted or not.

Takt Time Formula or Equation

Takt Time = Available Production Time / Customer Demand

How to Work Out or Compute Takt Time: A Real-World Example

Your client has ordered 240 units of your product, however you have 450 minutes (which are your 8 hours of work minus meal time), and you want to know what the production rate would be that you would have to meet to be able to meet that demand, then you need your takt time, which would be:

Takt time = 450/240=1.875 min

The result tells us at first glance that the takt time of my process is 1.875, so you would think that I should produce in 1.875 min per piece, which is a common process error, although this value is the ideal production result, you must understand that it is a function limit, therefore, a criterion that you must consider is that you should produce at least 1 piece every 1,875 minutes, to comply, but always It would be better to understand that you should seek to produce below that margin, that is, produce 1 piece every 1,875 min or less time.

Challenges in Calculating and Using Takt Time

As you can see, and as we have discussed, the formula may seem simple, but as a metric, its usefulness and real-world applications are complex due to:

Fluctuating Demand

There are no static processes and as such there are no fixed demands, so the client's requirements can vary day by day or even minute by minute, which means that a takt time may need to be modified quickly to meet a demand. changing demand.


Unplanned Downtime

Although a perfect process is desirable, there is always the possibility of machine failures or unexpected delays that can affect, stop, or interrupt the production flow, significantly impacting Takt Time.


Variable Cycle Time

Many processes have ailments in times that cannot be (although it is attempted) to be 100% standardized, so manual operations or inconsistent processes cause deviations, which can occur frequently or following some trend as shown. They are differences in times per shift, executor, product or method.


Problems in the Availability of Operators

Among the resources that a company has is the human, which must be appreciated and considered for production programming, since the workforce and its availability often affect production time. available, like any productive resource, having not only the number but also the time, capacity and functionality of the labor resource is essential when talking about keeping takt time under control.


Machine Capacity

Altdhough a machine by design has a defined capacity, this capacity may be incorrectly used, either because it is under its capacity limit or because it is being used excessively, which could result in hindering production. (when used below its capacity) or stop it (when the equipment is damaged by excessive or incorrect use) thus decreasing compliance with meeting the Takt Time.


Machine Availability

In the best scenario, a company carries out regular maintenance, breakdowns or planned periods of inactivity, thus managing to significantly control the current time available for production, but when problems occur and there are equipment stoppages, everything Alignment with the calculated or desired Takt Time becomes complicated and difficult, having differences from minutes to hours or even days.

Although these are just some of the factors that can be considered challenges in calculating and controlling takt time, you can understand why it becomes crucial and highly advisable to monitor Takt Time dynamically instead of relying solely on static calculations.

Problems in Calculating Takt Time

Among the problems that the calculation of takt time can entail, we have: obtaining data for this and the veracity of the information, although one of them may seem obvious, the other is not, since the manipulation of the information and human error may be affecting the data used to calculate the takt time.
On the other hand, Although the calculation may seem simple, the problem is how you can obtain the data more quickly and that this information is not only real but effective, a common problem in companies is the gap between the execution of a step and the time in that this data reaches the hands of whoever will use it to analyze it, think for a moment and analyze your situation, if obtaining the data to analyze your takt time today takes you more time than it did to read this paragraph, consider that it is Losing visibility of your production and perhaps the calculation of your takt time is not the problem but how you manage to obtain the data for it.

Takt Time vs OEE: Aligning the Production Pace with the Best Operational Efficiency

Today there are still people who believe that takt time is a simple time calculation, and they couldn’t be more wrong, as it should be considered more of a cornerstone for efficient manufacturing OEE. A common example that shows its great power and impact in different areas is using it to optimize production, by aligning capacity with demand to empower your workforce and your production process.
Understanding the relationship between Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and TAKT Time is undoubtedly essential to be able to optimize any production process, regardless of the type of industry or product. Starting from the main concepts of TAKT Time; the pause or pace of manufacturing of products that meets customer demand, while OEE is the most used production KPI and is the measurement of the effectiveness of production equipment, we can understand that there is an immediate relationship between both concepts, since they share a common productive pillar, the use of time and the measurement of availability, which is related to downtime, operating times and availability of resources, so these metrics, although they are not the same, are closely related, and with their use manufacturers can identify imbalances that cause inefficiencies, for example:
  • Equipment downtime (planned or unplanned stoppages).
  • Performance losses (difference between planned and actual performance).
  • Quality issues (rework, flow disruption or quality issue resolution).
Since this is such a broad area with great impacts on production, companies often have problems in efficiently managing their TAKT time and controlling their process in order to increase their OEE efficiency with OEE Software. However, by integrating advanced solutions such as Smart Factory MOM, companies can close the gap between TAKT Time and OEE, achieving not only control but also improving their takt time, either by improving their times or being closer to the productive ideal aligned with customer demands.

How to Calculate Takt Time Using Smart Factory Technologies (MOM, MES and IIoT) and Software

As detailed previously, there are great challenges for calculating Takt time, one of them is how to calculate it. Although the calculation is simple, the traditional way to do so can result in delay times and even calculation errors, however today, Modern manufacturing technologies such as MOM (Manufacturing Operations Management), MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) can serve us and help us significantly improve not only the speed of the calculation if not its precision, application and monitoring.

How Do Smart Factory (MOM, MES and IIoT) Solutions Work in the Takt Time Calculation?

Among the advanced technologies that are most used today for the control, monitoring and reduction of takt time, there are advanced digital systems such as MOM, MES and IIoT solutions, these have a close relationship with takt time due to that:
Manufacturing Operations Management

MOM (Manufacturing Operations Management)

MOM systems, in general terms, connect business systems (such as ERP and WMS) with the production plant and manufacturing floor, thereby ensuring a smooth flow of data without problems. between planning (what you want to produce) and execution (what you can actually execute).
This advanced system not only connects or communicates information in two directions, but also provides centralized control for scheduling, quality, performance and inventory all aligned to an area previously separated from production execution.
Manufacturing Operations Management
Manufacturing Execution Systems

MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems)

If you’ve ever wondered why shop floor information takes so long to reach your hands, you’ll quickly understand the approach of MES, which is a system focused on closing the gap between your resources. of execution (machines and operators) and the decision-making personnel (supervisors and managers), since they work tracking from production progress to the times and movements of their manufacturing process, with which they can align operations to the time they occur since they obtain the Takt Time calculated in real time.
Manufacturing Execution Systems
Industrial Internet of Things

IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things)

In every company and since the industrial revolution, the manufacturing floor maintains equipment and machines that perform production tasks. These equipment were previously considered only executors, but today it is common to hear of machines and intelligent equipment, which allows you to obtain information about what they do, how they do it and more, this is where the IIoT becomes relevant, since it connects devices, sensors and machines, capturing data that can be from its functional status to its performance, all in real time.
Dynamic data, in real time can have many uses, in relation to takt time we can easily understand that these serve from being the basis to support predictive analysis, efficiency improvements and alignment of the production flow, or any decision making related or not to the takt time.
Industrial Internet of Things
You may think, do I really need all of these systems together? The answer is NO, since although it is desirable or recommended, you can understand that you must select the system that allows you to obtain the best advantages from its use, although all these systems together address the complexities of modern manufacturing, it is not mandatory that Everyone is present, as each can work independently of the others to help ensure that Takt Time is aligned with demand and operational constraints.

Benefits of Using Smart Factory Technologies (MOM, MES, and IIoT) for Time Management to Manage Takt Time

Real-Time Remote Visibility:

Cloud solutions such as Smart factory MOM have dashboards that can be live or historical, which on the one hand provide information on all-time metrics (including cycle time, takt time and lead time) and on the other allow their consultation from any point on the globe, which guarantees immediate action when deviations occur or the management of information in a dynamic and rapid way for any necessary decision-making.

Preventive and Predictive Actions:

By having data analysis tools for production times, trend analysis can be generated that leads to good decision making aimed at avoiding unplanned downtime, thus ensuring that cycle times are consistent and continuous. and without stoppages, which has a direct impact on completed cycle times, standardized takt time, and on-time deliveries.

Optimized and Constraint-Based Programming:

By being a synchronized entity with business systems (such as ERP and WMS) and enabling the connection with the production floor (either with MES and IIoT, one or both) the Smart Factory APS engine can dynamically adjust the production schedules to align with the Takt Time and minimize the Lead Time, all oriented to the best option to achieve your objectives following and limiting yourself to what is possible to do or offering the needs of the system what it would take to accomplish it, what could be a challenge may simply be a selection of options and a click.

Data-Driven Decisions:

By having real and real-time data, MES and IIoT modules give you the power of dynamic information, since they generate actionable information as it happens, this not only allows manufacturers to refine processes and improve efficiency, but which gives a higher level of control to your production floor where one person can monitor more than one area from a single point either inside or outside the plant, maintaining advanced, continuous and coordinated operational control, it will not only be about how you get the information, and that it arrives quickly, but that it is understandable, which is why information panels on their process help companies to clearly understand what happens, when and where, with which they can identify areas of opportunity where to focus your efforts.

Improved Systems Communication and Coordination:

MOM ensures seamless communication between ERP, MES and plant systems, reducing delays and errors. Two-way and multidirectional communication: Integrated systems provide a centralization of information with a synchrony that allows previously separate systems or areas to work in coordination, so what happens on your production floor is reflected in your ERP, but can also be used in your programming and as a reference for decision making, all under the same umbrella.
Use data and information from related systems without them having to be captured again, although the time of production can be short, information rework (such as recapture, reimport, transfer to other systems or other common problems) can range from tedious and worthless tasks to the process as a source of tracking problems and making incorrect decisions, advanced production systems Integrated manufacturing closes that gap and allows for a coordinated, simplified and continuous flow.


Keep in mind that Calculating Takt Time is a simple task, but its effective implementation and efficient use as a metric will always depend on your data, as much as it is accurate and available, the more powerful this metric will be for you.
To do this, you must always keep in mind that there is more than one way to do it, and one of them that is highly recommended and desirable is the one that uses or maintains solid technological bases, such as integrated advanced manufacturing software such as Smart Factory, since that they address these challenges by providing information with great benefits such as; real-time data, dynamic information availability, productivity monitoring (both machine and workforce) and advanced analysis of demand fluctuations.
It doesn’t matter if you are or want to be a smart factory, achieving this alignment and balance must always be driven by pillars such as; real-time data, connectivity and advanced analysis, and information with effective communication, and the closer you get to this being in real time, the greater the advantages you can obtain from its use, so this could help you adapt more dynamically , effectively and coherently to any change in the changing demand of its customers.
Every company must seek the maximum productive efficiency of its available potential, that is, it must have improved visibility and control over production cycles, to achieve both operational excellence and long-term efficiency, since what results from this is a production process that is executed with the fluidity that its customers expect, which guarantees competitiveness in today’s fast-paced market.
In order to achieve this goal of having advanced takt time control, you cannot think about doing the same thing and just as you have done it until now, since this may be stopping you from doing it better, which is why the use of advanced technologies is recommended. and new tools that will help you do this, for example considering the use of industry 4.0 solutions such as Smart Factory such as MES, MOM and IIoT, which not only simplifies Takt Time management, but also strengthens your OEE by optimizing availability, performance and quality.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you implement, train, and maintain the Smart Factory MOM solution and count on us to help you overcome any hurdles along the way.