Welcome to the Manufacturing 4.0 Health Quiz! This is a review and assessment portal that will give a very close-to-accurate assessment of the level of 'Manufacturing Health' for you and your company. Please answer the following questions with the factual information to the best of your ability.
By obtaining true answers, you will ensure that the results truly reflect your current condition and state of affairs at this point in time. This questionnaire has been designed to undertake a precise and general identification of the needs, and potential areas of opportunity, with regard to the implementation of Manufacturing 4.0.
We'll explore these 7 key areas:
- Attendance Control
- Machine Connectivity And Performance Tracking
- Production Planning And Scheduling
- MES System Or Production Management System
- OEE And Dashboards
- Notification & Alerts
- Quality Control And OEE
Your honest opinion, response, and information will always remain purely exclusive and private, and shall help us offer a more accurate evaluation and some practical knowledge which is useful for you. Please respond to the following questions: